
Each second spend on Internet is valuable as we are paying for it. At present, we are sharing about 2 MBps among 1000 users in our Institution. During the peak time the users find it difficult to surf Internet due to heavy download, as it consumes lot of time to finish it task. As a result the users get frustrated due to the time taken for downloading. During the off time the bandwidth get wasted due to non-operation.

Taking into consideration of the above factors we have designed a GAD-BASSA system to minimize heavy download during peak time. If a user wants to download a web file which capacity is more than 5mb our system will be activated. By using this system the users can make their downloading without spending their valuable time unnecessarily.

The target group of this project is, those who have a considerable number of clients with limited Bandwidth. At the initial stage this system will serve approximately one thousand clients from different faculties of Colombo University.

The GADisk, Globally Accessible Disk is the front-end to the BASSA system. The GAD system will get the request and search in the database. If the file is available in the server it will give a copy of the requested file to the user for downloading. If it is not available, the user should login to download the requested file through our system. . The download request will be referred to BASSA for downloading. The BASSA system will download files from 6p.m. to 8 am on the following day.

This system is opened to any developers who wish to contribute.


About US

GAD system
Developer Name : Gowri Ananthan
Project site:

Bassa System
Developer Name : Wathsala Vithanage
Project site: